The Patch invited Lesley Finch to visit us yesterday. Lesley owns
Finchs Nest our LQS, if you count 70kms away as local! The purpose of her visit was to let us absorb as much of her knowledge of free motion quilting as we could and we weren't disappointed. A whole day with Lesley had us all stitching swirls and feathers, zigs and zags all over the practice quilts we'd pinned up ready.
Pay attention girls, we are ready to begin.
Gather round and see what you'll be doing by the end of the day.
Set up your machines just so!
This is how to mark your design.
See it's so easy.
Now quilt away........Lesley did emphasise the need to practice lots, persevere, plan ahead and RELAX!
We had a great day, thanks so much Lesley for sharing your know how with us all.