Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Still Swapping

Our club paper bag swap with Club Quilt Narromine is alsmost over. There is just one parcel left to arrive and sadly it appears to have been swallowed by the big bad PO. Sorry to all our loyal hard working posties but we have to blame somebody. While talking about this  I suddenly realised it's been a while since I did a catch up post of these goodies. Here's a few to feast your eyes on.
I've pinched some pics from clubquilt's blog. Sorry Peg!
Here's the lovely box Rosemary sent to Fiona.

The gorgeous Christmas wall hanging from Karri to Linda.

This fabulous folder from Dale to Loris.

and the quirky bag from Loris to Dale.

Two special goodies from Pat to June.
There are still a few to show and of course the lost one to cry over.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A lesson in quilting

The Patch invited Lesley Finch to visit us yesterday. Lesley owns Finchs Nest our LQS, if you count 70kms away as local! The purpose of her visit was to let us absorb as much of her knowledge of free motion quilting as we could and we weren't disappointed. A whole day with Lesley had us all stitching swirls and feathers, zigs and zags all over the practice quilts we'd pinned up ready.
Pay attention girls, we are ready to begin.
Gather round and see what you'll be doing by the end of the day.

Set up your machines just so!
This is how to mark your design.
See it's so easy.
Now quilt away........Lesley did emphasise the need to practice lots, persevere, plan ahead and  RELAX!

We had a great day, thanks so much Lesley for sharing your know how with us all.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Big things are going to happen this Saturday

It will be busy this Saturday when a bunch of us from the Patch gather to learn some new tricks.
Lesley Finch from Finches Nest is coming to show us some quilting pointers. We have her for the whole day and are bound to learn heaps.
We've all been busy preparing our practice quilts. Plain light coloured fabrics all marked out and pinned up ready to go.
Two more sleeps WooHoo!