What a wonderful Friendship Day was held last weekend.

A delicious Chrismas dinner with all the trimmings shared amongst 50 quilters from Northampton, Geraldton, Mingenew and Dongara Patchwork Clubs.
I'm sure everyone enjoyed themselves, even joining in with the games and fun.

Some familiar faces and lots of conversation.

Kym and Doreen


Helen and Diane
Leonie and Waltruat

There was amazing show'n'tell to enjoy too.
What a delight to see the quilts everyone had made.

This is Kaye's cross stitch purchased on her travels to China.

Sandi's quilt from Alison Schwabe's workshop.

Val's cosy shaggy hexagons on polar fleece.

Ursula's jelly roll with dragon flies.

So many beautifuls pieces and lots of inspiration for us all.
Thanks so much to the girls who organised the day, prepared and delivered the food, helped set up the hall, washed the dishes and travelled many miles to spend the day together.
A true Friendship Day indeed.